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Re: [m2e-dev] Wish to contribute an incubating bundle for easier import

On 04/13/2015 06:20 PM, Jason van Zyl wrote:
... I think a user would just expect the right thing to happen if they used the detection mechanism ...

Defining "the right thing" is the tricky part. IMO, if someone imports a Maven project, the right thing is to enable m2e anyway. Those that don't use it are relying on an anti-pattern and should have to adapt to usage of m2e. It's also the role of the IDE to enforce good practices.

I've examples of plugin projects that have a .project and a pom.xml committed, but that don't have m2e enabled in their project description. In that case, I find it good that the .project gets modified to enable m2e.
This use-case is somehow the opposite of the one you mentioned. Is there a way to make a distinction between both? If not, which one should drive we prefer to support? (as you understood, my opinion would go for simply ignoring the existence of maven-eclipse-plugin, but YMMV).
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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