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[m2e-dev] On the topic of errors and warnings for m2e


Over the last few years of maven in eclipse I've noticed two repeating 
complaints being raised.

Those two boils down to:

1) maven in eclipse is slow

2) when I import into eclipse my project has errors, that does not 
happen in "name your favourite IDE"

#1 the memory fixes in m2e 1.5 and some of the wizard workflow changes 
have helped greatly on - we still can do
better there but that is for a separate thread.

#2 is where I would like to suggest that we:

A) Makes the level of markers in m2e configurable (Error, Warning, 

B) Consider the default level of the markers.

    - "Project Configuration is not uptodate" should IMO be a Warning 
since it is really often that a change in POM actually requires a full 
project update.
    - "Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle" I think should be a 
Warning too since again most often you will not need to do much.

We (or rather Fred :) already started some of this work on - where he also 
made the handling of the existing warning/errors more aligned with 
standard eclipse warning/error handling.

For now this one just deals with A from above.

What do you think about that ?

and is some combination of B something you like or just completely 
opposed ?


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