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[m2e-dev] [perf] Resource.refreshLocal


I'm doing some profiling of eclipse build. The original thread can be found here: and here :

Here are some details about the m2e/refresh problem mentioned in the second thread. You can reproduce the problem with following steps:

1) In eclipse (kepler SR1) with m2e (I use 1.5.0M3) New -> Maven Project -> (Skip archetype seleciton) .. etc
2) In the project : create one resource in src/main/resources (test.txt)
3) In eclipse : Project -> Clean (build the project)

The result of the build is 1 invocation of org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Resource.refreshLocal(int, IProgressMonitor)

4) now: delete in .classpath all  excluding="**"
5) delete org.eclipse.m2e.core.maven2Builder in .project or mark maven-resource-plugin as </ignore> in lifecycle metadata
6) build the projekt again with Project -> Clean (build the project) (NOT with Maven -> Update Project Configuration)

The result of the build is O invocations of org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Resource.refreshLocal(int, IProgressMonitor)

The difference is, that in the first case,  allocates  the method org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Resource.refreshLocal additional 612 objects

I'll send details later, but the invocation of Resource.refreshLocal comes from ResourceMojo



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