OSLCFest 2022 - Call for Presentations
The OSLCFest is the best place to learn first hand about OSLC solutions, as well as related open-source projects and standards. The 4th OSLCfest 2022 will take place virtually on November 15-17, with 2-hour slots each day starting at 14:00 UTC, and it will be a free event.Each session is expected to last 20 minutes: 15 minutes for the presentation with 5 minutes for Q&A. Exceptions for longer sessions may be granted.
Submissions for presentations are now accepted! We welcome and appreciate your contribution related to, but not limited to, following topics:
Industrial use cases and experiences using OSLC
OSLC in action: demonstration of tools integrations to extend he OSLC ecosystem
OSLC as a backbone for digital engineering
Applying OSLC to new domains
Tools and automation to implement OSLC connectors
New OSLC language SDKs
Advanced OSLC topics such as global configurations and TRS
Key Dates
Submission Deadline: October 28, 2022
Acceptance Notification: November 4, 2022
Submissions for presentations consist of an abstract of no more than 1000 words. The submission should include the following elements:
Provide an overview of the topic
Provide the benefits the audience will take away from the presentation
Provide background on the presenter and his/her qualifications to provide the talk
Please send your submission to
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