Errata: there are conflicting entries in the log, one stating the Lyo Validation was removed due to Bintray shutdown and another one that the underlying SHACL dependency was upgraded and Lyo Validation is back. The correct
entry is the latter, Lyo Validation is part of 4.1.0.M1:
lyo-dev <lyo-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of Andrii Berezovskyi <andriib@xxxxxx>
Reply to: "lyo-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx" <lyo-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wednesday, 13 October 2021, W41 at 18:56
To: "lyo-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx" <lyo-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [lyo-dev] Lyo 4.1.0.M1 release
Hello everyone,
We are happy to announce the 4.1.0.M1 release. Please read the changelog and test it on your apps. We plan to release the final version in a few weeks. As discussed before, a CVE in Jena (not in their dependencies) and
their dropped support for JDK 8 in Jena 4.x may cause Lyo 5.x release that will drop JDK 8 as well to happen sooner than we expected.
Tracker to report issues to: (general feedback is also welcome in this list).