I plan to remove the [property]ToHtml() methods that are generated in the java classes corresponding to each of the domain resources. This would make these
classes a lot cleaner, compact, and more open for different templating engines.
These methods are currently used in the generated jsp pages, which are of use for debugging purposes. (As well as the sample delegatedUI code.)
Any ideas or tips towards a better direction are appreciated. Below are my thoughts so far.
Since the produced jsp pages are mainly for debugging purposes, I do not plan to improve the currently produced html code. I will simply move the code from the [property]ToHtml() methods to be under <% %> inside the html pages.
That is, the JSP pages will not be so neat. My assumption is that you either (1) do not care about the code since you just use the pages to debug or (2) you care so much that you override the generated pages anyway. Either way, it means you don’t really care
about the code in these JSP pages?
To start with, I will only mark the methods as “Deprecated”; and will not directly remove them. Why? Any currently produced jsp pages are not automatically reproduced (unless the files are first deleted). This means that old jsp pages do dependent on these
java methods, and hence will break if I simply remove the methods.
Please note that these changes are based on my own assumptions on how these pages are being used.
If you share your needs and usage scenarios, I am happy to accommodate for them during this change.
Jad El-khoury, PhD
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
School of Industrial Engineering and Management, Mechatronics Division
Brinellvägen 83, SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: +46(0)8 790 6877 Mobile: +46(0)70 773 93 45