Let me give two answers. Andrew hat: migrate everything to raw JAX-RS 2.0 and make sure no Jersey-specific stuff is introduced. Allow Lyo Core to be used with any JAX-RS framework.
Make Lyo Designer emit Jersey based adaptors. Ask Ricardo Javier, for example, to test Lyo Core with RESTEasy/Wildfly/Thorntail.
Lyo project lead hat: do whatever users of Lyo would prefer, but given that I managed to run a Lyo adaptor Jersey pretty easily once (partially), it should be straightforward to move
directly to JAX-RS 2.0. If you want to play it safe, we can migrate to the old Jersey (1.19) that supports JAX-RS 1.1. Also, migrate Lyo Client later.
Den 2018-10-19 11:44 skrev "Jad El-Khoury" <jad@xxxxxx> följande:
What’s your take on supporting Jersey (JAX-RS 2.0) in Lyo?
I see 2 alternatives:
- We keep Wink (JAX-RS 1.0) as well as Jersey (More complicated, but we keep Lyo compatible for old users)
- We migrate from Wink to Jersey. (Less code for us to maintain, but will force users to also migrate to Jersey).
Jad El-khoury, PhD
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
School of Industrial Engineering and Management, Mechatronics Division
Brinellvägen 83, SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: +46(0)8 790 6877 Mobile: +46(0)70 773 93 45