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[kapua-dev] Kapua messaging refactoring proposal


As many of you know, current version of Kapua (as awesome as it is), doesn't work well in PaaS-like environment. It makes it pretty difficult to scale Kapua for larger deployments.

We (that is Dejan and myself) would like to propose the alternative architecture of the messaging layer in the next version of Kapua (i.e. the major one after the initial release). This is not trivial task, but as a result of this efforts Kapua will benefit from:
- running on any AMQP 1.0 compliant messaging middleware 
- migration to microservices architecture 
- vertical scalability 
- easier Eclipse Hono integration 
- pluggable authentication support 
- PaaS-enablement (for example running Kapua in Kubernetes or OpenShift will be very easy)

I have uploaded [1] slides with diagrams that explain our proposal and plan in details. We would like to use those to start the discussion about the future of the messaging in Kapua.

Any feedback will be more than appreciated!


Henryk Konsek

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