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Re: AW: [jwt-dev] WebServiceApplication


I totally agree with you and Chris about the need of an abstract application.

I think that the only thing that is common to every application is the fact that it may require argument and return values. That should be shared in the abstract application. Those informations could be stored in something like 2 arrays that would contain descriptions of arguments or return values (which could be a pair name/type-as string or anything else- in a first time). This way, concrete application would have to implement a way to fill these arrays with descriptions by introspecting Java, WSDL, or anything else (when possible). Such a strategy would allow us to do some static verification on signatures and types, and will make the edition suppler (one could change his mind and call another method from another service and benefit of verification just by refreshing the application according to its new properties).

I don't know if this mail gives you clues... I imagine you didn't wait for this me to get this kind of idea. ;)


Florian Lautenbacher a écrit :
Hi all,

oh yes, the WebServiceApplication. This was a first attempt to have a way to
specify a web service without using the JavaClass, JARarchive and method
which are defined as properties by Application right now. We thought that it
would be a good opportunity to specify a web service somewhere and invoke
that web service afterwards again. So, it was included into the meta-model.
But soon we found out, that (since WebServiceApplication inherits from
Application) it now has several attributes: interface for web services, but
also JARarchive, JavaClass, etc.
So, Chris is now looking into that and thinking on how to restructure the
whole part. The idea was to have an abstract application and several
concrete implementations such as JavaApplication, WebServiceApplication,
etc. - each one with other properties. And, of course, this shall be an
extension point lateron, too.

So if you have any ideas about that, please feel free to let me and Chris
know, so we can alltogether restructure that in a way that fits most of us.

Best regards,


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: jwt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:jwt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] Im
Auftrag von Mickael Istria
Gesendet: 15 May 2008 16:48
An: Java Workflow Toolbox
Betreff: [jwt-dev] WebServiceApplication

Hi all!

I discovered today that JWT metamodel contains a WebServiceApplication that
extends the "standard" Application. (I got it by a right-click on an package
"New Child") Does it mean that AgilPro simulator is able to call web
services when we use this application? Is there any tutorial or
documentation which explains how to use WebServiceApplication, and how to
fill correctly its properties?

Thanks in advance,
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