Hi all,
sorry, I try to answer most of the current threads in one email - I
that makes it easier for everybody to follow the discussion.
Concerning the CVS directories layout and future components it would
be good
to have a discussion on the phone. But, as you've already heard I
moved to a
new office in the last week, so it will take few more days till I got
a new
phone - I'll contact you asap (hopefully already on Friday).
Concerning applications with Web Services and data binding / data
this is one part which didn't receive much attention in the JWT
till now. There, in the JWT metamodel [1], Figure 11 you can see that
already exists the concept of DataMapping. At the beginning we
thought that
not the data as a whole will be described, but in parts. So one data
consists of several parameters and these parameters can then be bound
to the
parameters that an application needs. Alas, it is not used as we thought
about it at the beginning: applications are defined without
parameters as
well as data, so the data mapping is now quite difficult. Maybe this
be a point, where the metamodel should be changed in order to reflect
current usage of the models: there can be several data, but only one
application (with several parameters) and the data needs to be bound
to the
parameters of the application.
A Web Service is simply a subclass of an application - having other
properties than the normal application (here the metamodel is
probably going
to be changed, too, thanks to the work Chris Saad is doing at the
About your description of AgilPro: yes, thank you, everything was right.
Additionally, it is not necessary to use the Simulator, but one can
use the
AgilPro Executor instead (but this one is sadly not open-source) in
order to
execute the process model which was generated to a web service
and to invoke web services instead. This is part of the AgilPro
framework, which has been developed by our partner eMundo. Maybe
Claus can
give some further explanation here?
Concerning the Action extension: I gave a rather short explanation on
225704, much more text was exchanged between Annette (who is working
on that
issue) and myself via eMail (but in German, sorry). If you have some
ideas (I guess so, since you are now much more familiar than I am with
Dynamic EMF), please feel free to extend the explanations given there or
modify them. Or simply let us know via mail, Annette is probably
our discussion on the newsgroup, too :) Probably we'll integrate the
ExtensibleAction in the metamodel, too, and make this class an Extension
Point for other plugins.
Best regards,
[1] http://wiki.eclipse.org/images/2/2f/AgilPro_MetamodelDescription.pdf
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: jwt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:jwt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] Im
Auftrag von Marc Dutoo
Gesendet: 23 April 2008 14:37
An: Java Workflow Toolbox
Betreff: Re: AW: [jwt-dev] Extending the JWT Editor with Extension
I think we're getting somewhere at the end ^^
See below, inlined in the text.
Ralph Soika/IMIXS a écrit :
Hi Marc,
yes I agree with you in the point of the idea with ExtensibleAction
model object:
* A solution would be to add an ExtensibleAction model object
that would have one (or more ?) untyped subnode. In this case, it
would be very close to Ralph's embedded XML extension idea -
actually, if we define the extension using XSD to ecore, it would
even be the same.
And I agree also to you to allow more then one untyped subnodes. As
different vendors can support different extensions for one Action or
I agree
So which ones - Florian, you and your JWT metamodel specialists are
highly welcome !
* Action obviously,
* but why not Application instead,
* and what about ActivityNode ?
* DataType ?
* I'm still not sure there are no "out of the box" extensible
ones, maybe DataType is ?
* others ?
In this question I would propose Action and also ActivityNode.
What did you mean with "Application". An extension mechanism for
application specific or workflow engine specific data would be
helpfull in some cases. So the Imixs IX Modeler holds informations
like the WebService Endpoint from the Engine. This is configuration
stuff. But why not allow a vendor to extend such data.
If you take a look at following picture you can understand what I mean:
In the JWT model, an Action is a single process step that provides its
parameters to a globally defined Application to perform some work.
Note that
an Action is not required to be linked to an Application, in which
case it
is a "manual" Action (i.e. that must be explicitly started and
terminated by
a user or administrator at runtime).
Applications are for now mainly used by AgilPro's jBPM-based
Simulator to
perform tasks using applications like Word, Excel, web pages within a
browser. That's why for now creating its own application means coding
it in
java first.
We're currently working on applications defining the call of a
and of an SCA service. This also requires to handle well databinding /
datamapping issues.
The main editor is implemented as a multipage editor and a Vendor
can extend the editor with an additional pages (like the JBoss page
in the picture). This page holds application or engine specific data.
Is this compatible with your approach Marc?
best regards
I think it is, and with Florian's !
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