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[jwt-dev] AW: A little question about the tutorial

Hi Mickael,

thanks for your first thoughts about the tutorial. The tutorial describes
the JWT Workflow Editor in version 0.4.0 which is available only as source
code on our CVS (, project jwt-we). You won't need the
AgilPro LiMo, since this is only the RCP-variant of jwt-we. But you need the
AgilPro Simulator. And there is currently only version 1.3.0 available on
SourceForge, the issues described are related to version 1.4.0. This new
version includes several bugfixes and can work with the adapted metamodel
(which version 1.3.0 can't). The problem is that we haven't deployed the
newest version of AgilPro, since we wanted to make a release for both: JWT
WE and AgilPro. 
Please let me know which operation system you have and I'll create a new
version of the Simulator for you and will send it to you by email. On
another small note: the bug that you've described in our Bugzilla has
already been solved with 1.4.0.

The tutorial has been adapted from an existing tutorial and it might be the
case that some windows have changed (additional buttons, etc.), so maybe I
didn't change the screenshots in the tutorial. Please just let me know which
screenshots should be taken again and I'll change the tutorial there.

Best regards and thanks for your feedback,


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Mickael Istria [mailto:mickael.istria@xxxxxxxxxxx] 
Gesendet: 15 February 2008 16:41
An: Java Workflow Toolbox; florian.lautenbacher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Betreff: A little question about the tutorial

Hello Florian,

I have read the very good tutorial you did for JWT Users. I didn't know a
lot of things about this plug-in, and more generally about workflows before,
so that my opinion is an opinion of a final user who discovers the product.

Before I give my remarks in another mail, here are my general opinion, and a
question to facilitate the review:

1. It is quite clear and simple and gives the basis to design a more
complicated workflow. Examples are easy, concrete and give the opportunity
to see impressive results thanks to your simulator and the applications that
are included (BrowserUI, WordUI...). They are not boring for the user and
make the user feel that this tool is powerful and simple. The most
interesting is that those simple examples clearly show the logic of JWT, so
that the user who uses it for the first time says "in fact, it will be easy
to do huge workflows".
2. Before I give the details of my review, I would like to ensure that I
reviewed the good versions of tutorial, plug-in and simulator. Indeed, I
used the tutorial from the wiki, jwt-we from and simulator
and LiMo from Sourceforge (version 1.3.0). Most of my remarks seem to be due
to the fact that the versions I tried are not the same as the version that
are on the tutorial. For instance, "New Workflow" 
window does not have the same layout as on your tutorial... Could you please
tell me which ones I should use, and where I can get them?

Thank you!

Mickaël Istria

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