Hi Stéphane,
you've told me before it's seemingly difficult to programmatically launch
an ATL transformation.
Since it's much easier to do it from Ant, calling ant programmatically
(like documented here
) may be a good workaround.
Obviously, it's going to need some wrapper code, and it'll need to be
replaced when the ATL APIs are ready, however I think it'd be worth it.
Your opinion ?
On Tue, 29 Jan 2008 16:07:21 +0100, Stéphane Drapeau
<Stephane.Drapeau@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> Below an answer of William Piers, who is currently working on the m2m
> part of modeling, especially in the ATL and QVT-R projects.
> ----
> Hello,
> Andrea Zoppello a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> It's not mandatory to use EMF Based Java Code, At the moment we've
>> BPMN->IM ( Java based on EMF API )
>> IM->JBI ( EMFT JET2 ) - This trnasformation is provided in spagic 2.0
>> ( LGPL ) http://forge.objectweb.org/projects/spagic
>> IM->JBI Wsdl generation ( EMFT 2 JET ) This trnasformation is provided
>> in spagic 2.0 ( LGPL )
>> IM->BPEL ( Java based on EMF API ) This trnasformation is provided in
>> spagic 2.0 ( LGPL )
>> I think it will be not a problem, to use ATL in future, the reason why
>> whe choose EMF Based Java code, is that at the moment it's
>> the approach that i know better, and it's quite simple for me. EMFT
>> JET2 is quite simple and work well for me.
>> Another thing you would take in mind, it's that when you've
>> intermediate model, and you want to have specific technology stuff, in
>> some
>> case you need to made a preprocessing in the Intermediate Model, so to
>> adapt to technology details.
>> Is this possible with ATL??
> ATL can be launch in several ways :
> - using Eclipse's launch configurations : by this way you can transform
> EMF models persisted as .ecore files.
> - using ant : you can chain ATL transformations, and trigger any other
> actions during that process
> - programmatically (inside/oustide of Eclipse) : you can use "customize"
> atl APIs to launch ATL transformations using Java code. For instance,
> this will allow you to use in-memory models.
> Note that we intent, in the next months, to provide a more usable API
> for programmatic use of ATL. This will be helpful in your case, as for
> many users who often develop their own extensions over ATL.
>> BTW Have you any detailed documentation about ATL, and how to use it???
> Here is links to the relevant documentation :
> http://www.eclipse.org/m2m/atl/doc/
> This one is quite out of date (still valid, but doesn't contains all
> informations), so you also can refers to the wiki :
> http://wiki.eclipse.org/index.php/ATL
> William Piers
> MDA Consultant
> Obeo
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