I think handling of the changes on JGit regarding LFS gets a little bit too hard (both for reviewers as well as for me),
as there are 5 commits right now.
Any objections to squash them all into one for easier review/refactoring? The squashed commit would have well over 2000
lines added, so I guess a CQ would be required… does it still make sense?
I think it's better to keep them separate.
And sorry, I do keep meaning to look at those changes, but I haven't found time among my other work :(
On Thu, Sep 28, 2017 at 2:06 AM, Duft Markus
<Markus.Duft@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I know that SAP lost interest in LFS – but I did not ;) I picked up this
> commit: https://git.eclipse.org/r/#/c/83506/9 and rebased to somewhere on
> 4.8.1 which we are using. I then registered the filters in EGit Activator
> something like done in
> I also managed to setup a test repo with this .gitattributes:
> $ cat .gitattributes
> *.lfs.txt filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
> And this .git/config:
> $ cat .git/config
> [core]
> repositoryformatversion = 0
> filemode = true
> logallrefupdates = true
> [filter "lfs"]
> clean = jgit://builtin/lfs/clean
> smudge = jgit://builtin/lfs/smudge
> required = true
> I successfully test local commits, and verified that the LFS pointers are
> the actual git objects as expected.
> There are couple of questions for me now:
> · Apart from the mentioned two commits, is there anything “big”
> open? Or is it just finalization of what’s there? For instance I cannot see
> any “upload” code? Where would that go?
> · It seems the repository is now no longer usable with CGIT (“error:
> external filter jgit://builtin/lfs/clean failed”). Is there a way to make a
> repository usable with CGIT and JGIT?
The filter name strings you configure in .git/config must be identical
between the two systems. That means you should configure the filter
name string for git-core and then JGit needs to recognize that name
specially, and swap in its logic instead of launching that command.
this change is also not yet finished, it was abandoned by the automatic cleanup script, feel free to restore it
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