Shawn was an exceptional software engineer and it is impossible to overstate his contributions to the Git ecosystem. He had everything from the driving high-level vision to the coding skills to solve any complex problem and bring his vision to reality. If you had the pleasure of collaborating with him on code reviews, as I know many of you did, you've seen first-hand his dedication and commitment to quality. You can read more about his contributions in
this recent interview.
In addition to his technical contributions, Shawn truly loved the open-source communities he was a part of, and the Gerrit community in particular. Growing the Gerrit project from nothing to a global community with hundreds of contributors used by some of the world's most prominent tech companies is something he was extremely proud of.
Please join me in remembering Shawn Pearce and continuing his legacy. Feel free to use this thread to share your memories with the community Shawn loved.
If you are interested, his family has set up
GoFundMe page to put towards his children's future.
Best wishes,
Dave Borowitz"