I apologize in advance for what is certainly a very n00b question.
I'm trying to submit a patch to JGit and would like to make sure that I've added all of the appropriate javadoc comments. I understand that Eclipse should give me warnings if I am missing certain things, so I'm trying to load up the project in Eclipse (which I'm not very familiar with, as it's been a few years since I used Eclipse regularly).
I swear I had it working last week; loading and building the JGit project successfully... but after shutting down my machine for the weekend and booting it back up today, I'm getting all kinds of errors like this:
Provisioning exception:
Bundle 'com.jcraft.jsch' cannot be resolved MANIFEST.MF /org.eclipse.jgit/META-INF line 149 Plug-in Problem
I'm not sure what changed since I had this working last week :( I recognize that these are OSGi bundle resolution issues, but I never explicitly added any configuration re: OSGi to the project (perhaps it was done implicitly when I imported the
egit-developer-tools.p2f file, as per the EGit contributor guide wiki page?).
I'm certain I'm just doing something stupid but I can't figure out what it is... if anyone has any tips they'd be greatly appreciated. Sorry again for the n00b question :(