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Re: [jgit-dev] Threading and MissingObjectException

----- Ursprungligt meddelande -----
> Från: "Johannes Carlsson" <Johannes.Carlsson.x@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Till: "jgit-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx" <jgit-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Skickat: tisdag, 28 jan 2014 15:25:29
> Ämne: [jgit-dev] Threading and MissingObjectException
> Hi,
> I am using jGit for an internal tool here at Sony Mobile. In order to improve
> performance I started to do some threading. Unfortunately this came with
> some random MissingObjectException:
> org.eclipse.jgit.errors.MissingObjectException: Missing unknown
> 04f9cd20301800d51e3a164a4dc926e779bb4104
> at
> at
> at org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevWalk.parseAny(
> at org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevWalk.parseCommit(
> at
> com.sonyericsson.patchtool.server.db.GitDatabaseTest$
> at
> com.sonyericsson.patchtool.server.db.GitDatabaseTest$
> at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(
> at
> at
> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(
> at
> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
> at
> My application basically creates a FileRepository and then spawns a bunch of
> threads that create their own RevWalk (on the same FileRepository instance)
> and then do RevWalk.parseCommit(). I managed to create a test case that
> reproduced the problem which looks something like this:
> Main thread:	repository = new FileRepository(...);
> 		ObjectId headObjectId =
> 		ObjectId.fromString("04f9cd20301800d51e3a164a4dc926e779bb4104");
> Thread N		revWalk = new RevWalk(repository);
> 		revWalk.parseCommit(headObjectId); //<-- Throws MissingObjectException
> After some digging around in the jGit code I found some interesting things in
> If you look at openObjectImpl1:
> final ObjectLoader openObjectImpl1(...) {
> 	ldr = openObject1(curs, objectId);
>             ...
> 	if (tryAgain1()) { // Thread #1 stops for a moment here
> 		ldr = openObject1(curs, objectId);
> 		if (ldr != null)
> 		return ldr;
> 	}
> 	...
> }
> The tryAgin1() in turn is implemented in
> boolean tryAgain1() {
> 	final PackList old = packList.get();
> 	if (old.snapshot.isModified(packDirectory))
> 		return old != scanPacks(old);
> 	return false;
> }
> Now, say we have 2 threads that calls openObjImpl1 on the same instance at
> the same time. Thread #1 decides to stop for a moment at the comment above.
> Thread #2 continues execution and will execute tryAgain1() that will return
> true (packList contained NO_PACKS before this and scanPacks has updated it
> to a "real" scanned one). The openObjectImpl1 will now return successfully
> for thread #2. Then thread #1 decides to continue and enters tryAgain1().
> The "old" variable will now be assigned with the new packList (since thread
> #2 parsed it nicely) and isModified will return false and the tryAgain1()
> will return false which will then cause openObjectImpl1 to fail.
> I might have missed something, but changing to "return true" (just to test)
> in tryAgain1() will make my test case pass without any exceptions (I guess
> that this will have some unwanted performance impact).

I don't think it's that simple... since we want to avoid loops, but maybe
you are onto something. 

Can you reliably reproduce the issue?

It'd be good to find this old bug.

-- robin

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