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Re: [jgit-dev] [cross-project-issues-dev] [jgit-build] Build failed in Hudson: jgit #428

FYI, I was able to reproduce the problem locally. We'll have a closer
look later today or tomorrow.


On 10-11-08 07:51 AM, Matthias Sohn wrote:
2010/11/8 Igor Fedorenko <ifedorenko@xxxxxxxxxxxx

    The failure seems to be caused by missing org.eclipse.jgit pom.xml,
    which according to the log was installed earlier during the build. Which
    is odd. Before doing more involved troubleshooting, can you purge local
    maven repository and try running the build with maven 3.0 again?

I wiped the workspace including local maven repository and reran the build
using maven-3.0, it's still failing

    As a side note, you may want to add -B (or --batch-mode) to get rid of
    these useless download progress messages in the build log.

thanks for this tip


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