Your dry-run shows how Jetty operates.
Let's break it down, so you understand it.
# Notice that your --lib= argument shows up here, at the start of the classpath.
# Everything below here is used by XmlConfiguration.
# These come from your ${jetty.base}/start.d/*.ini and any `[ini]` section in a ${jetty.home}/modules/*.mod that you have enabled.
# The list of XML to execute. Order of XML is important!
# These are executed to establish the core features of the Jetty server.
# Establish URLClassLoader entries for Environment.
# Properties used by this Environment "ee8" specifically.
# These XML operate under the classloader established by the Environment.
# If the XML references a class that doesn't exist in Environment "ee8" (or the parent classloader for core) then it's a ClassNotFoundException.
The original question you asked about "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest", tells me that the command line you are using isn't satisfying the needs of the "ee8" environment on your jetty-home/jetty-base setup.
If we look at the command line you pasted in the original question, but split up ....
# JVM bin
# Arguments that are better put into the `jvm` module's configuration at ${jetty.base}/start.d/jvm.ini
# Remove, this is a --lib= argument on start.jar instead.
# Or put it into a ${jetty.base}/start.d/egain.ini with the line
# --lib=C:\work\eService\lib\egpl_classpath_mf.jar
-classpath C:\work\eService\lib\egpl_classpath_mf.jar
# More lines for ${jetty.base}/start.d/jvm.ini
# This is really strange, most of these should be no-ops, doing nothing useful on JVM 17+.
# Seeing as you have even the internal ASM exposed, are you attempting to walk the classes
# with ASM or Reflect in some way that would need ALL of these?
# More things for ${jetty.base}/start.d/egain.ini
# More for ${jetty.base}/start.d/jvm.ini\work\eService\bin\platform\windows\egpl_system.policy
# These belong in ${jetty.base}/start.d/ssl.ini
# These belong in ${jetty.base}/start.d/ssl-context.ini
# These paths MUST be absolute paths.
# This belongs in ${jetty.base}/start.d/jvm.ini"selectwithfix"
# These are properties after start.jar or for XmlConfiguration, not JVM System Properties.
# More for ${jetty.base}/start.d/jvm.ini
# This property doesn't exist anywhere in Jetty 12
# You don't have the console-capture module enabled, this is an unused property.
# This belongs in ${jetty.base}/start.d/requestlog.ini
# It MUST be an absolute path as well.
# This is a duplicate from above, and belongs in ${jetty.base}/start.d/http.ini
# This is fine as a System Property, but doesn't really need to be defined.
# What's more important is that your PWD or CWD is the ${jetty.base} directory.
# These are not System Properties, but rather are Context (WebAppContext or ServletContextHandler) attributes
# This belongs in ${jetty.base}/start.d/http-forwarded.ini
# Put this in ${jetty.base}/start.d/egain.ini as a -D<key>=<value> entry
# These belong in ${jetty.base}/start.d/http.ini
# These belong in ${jetty.base}/start.d/threadpool.ini
# This is the jar containing the main-class for bootstrap
-jar C:\work\jetty\start.jar
# Put this in ${jetty.base}/start.d/egain.ini
# This only does start bootstrap debug, not Jetty runtime debug.
# If you actually had console-capture enabled, this wouldn't be needed.
# Also, if you DO have console-capure enabled, this MUST be removed (it's a console loop otherwise)
> out.txt 2>&1
If you follow this advice, your command line, when using start.jar, will be tiny.
Optionally, you can make these changes, and then use the output from --dry-run to run your environment in a clean way.