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Re: [jetty-users] Websockets 1002 Unknown opcode: 7 with Jetty 10.0.24 on Mac, but not Linux, Win10

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On Tue, Oct 15, 2024 at 3:50 AM Alexander Farber via jetty-users <jetty-users@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I wonder, what is happening there, why is it working on Linux, Win10, but not anymore on MacOS Sonoma.

Is it maybe that the Jetty is asking the Edeg web browser if it want to use some kind of Websockets protocol extension?

After I fix this issue, I hope to update my custom servlet to Jetty 12, to stay on the current version...

You have many Decompression failure messages on your dump you sent.
Jetty 10 still supported the deprecated websocket compression formats, which Safari also supported. (but Linux browsers and Edge do not support anymore)
Jetty 12 dropped all of the deprecated websocket compression extensions except for the spec defined ones.

Using Safari, you can easily select (accidentally), a deprecated compression extension.
This is the most common cause in this scenario.
I bet if you used Chrome on MacOS it will work reliably, but not Safari.

Upgrade to Jetty 12 and you should see a much improved experience, even on Safari.

- Joakim

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