Thanks for Jetty. I've been enjoying it for years now!
I'm trying to make a FakeHttpServletRequest with Jetty 12 for unit-testing and integration-testing my web applications. I had one that worked with Jetty 11, but some things changed.
I'm looking at
It calls:
CompletableFuture<ServletMultiPartFormData.Parts> futureServletMultiPartFormData = ServletMultiPartFormData.from(this);
which ends up wanting some jetty-specific request-attributes.
for ServletContextRequest.MULTIPART_CONFIG_ELEMENT I think I can just pass MultipartConfigElement(""), but for ServletChannel::, I found this constructor:
ServletChannel(ServletContextHandler, ConnectionMetaData)
ServletContextHandler() looks easy (don't know if it will work yet).
But I'm struggling with:
How hard is it going to be to construct all these things and what other stuff is it going to expect? I thought it would be simplest to do an all-jetty version of a FakeHttpServletRequest because I'm using jetty in both my projects, but if it would be simpler to use Apache HttpComponents, that would be good to know.
I'm sorry to say that I don't remember everything I relied on FakeHttpServletRequest to do with Jetty 9 and 11, so I don't know why I didn't just feed it the various aspects of a request part manually instead of making Jetty parse my data like it's a real request. I mean, it seems valuable to be realistic in general, but simplicity is valuable too.