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[jetty-users] Jetty-11.0.11 embedded - 404 for all static html files or .jsp's in JAR under Linux JDK 17
  • From: Stefan Viljoen <viljoens@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2022 08:52:43 +0000
  • Accept-language: en-US
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  • Thread-topic: Jetty-11.0.11 embedded - 404 for all static html files or .jsp's in JAR under Linux JDK 17

Hi guys


Desperately looking for some help or pointers – been at this issue for two weeks solid now:


I have a Maven-based embedded Jetty-11.0.11 project in an “uber JAR” (jar-with-all-dependencies) in JDK17 that I  inherited from a dev that left the company.


I got it from him at Jetty-9 under JDK1.8, and have successfully upgraded it to Jetty-11.0.11 under JDK17 (at least, it works, but only -inside- Netbeans14…!) by changing the maven pom.xml to refer to newer versions of apache-jsp, apache-jstl, and jetty itself (for Maven.)


I have no web.xml or WEB-INF folder at all in the project.


The static content (.html, .css and .js files) for the webpages it contains, are hosted in the project .JAR at src\main\webapp\static


After upgrading to Jetty-11.0.11 and JDK17, I could run the project in Netbeans 14 debug mode in Windows 10 and visit the “Netbeans 14”-ed Jetty instance in a browser which rendered the static .html and .jsp content correctly.


If I copy the Jetty-11.0.11-using JAR to a Linux host and run it under JDK17 there, NONE of the static .html and .jsp content inside the JAR can be found anymore. When running in JDK17 under Linux in the embedded JAR, Jetty responds:


HTTP ERROR 404 Not Found






Not Found





for any and all .html and .jsp files inside the JAR.


Where can I start to look to get Jetty-11.0-11 embedded in an uber-JAR to render .html and .jsp files inside the JAR when run in a Linux-based JDK 17 instance?


No exceptions or any errors is emitted by Jetty.


I run Jetty in Ubuntu 20.04-LTS with official Oracle JDK17 as


/usr/lib/jvm/jdk-17/bin/java -cp /usr/src/verdi/verdi-12-JDK17-jar-with-dependencies.jar verishare.App


Anybody got ANY idea why Jetty-11.0.11 only works inside Netbeans 14 debug mode in Windows under Oracle JDK 17, but not in a Linux-based Oracle JDK 17 (where it WAS working in Linux with JDK 1.8 and Jetty-9)?


Where do I even start?


More than willing to provide more info such as the POM and the server setup code if anybody wants to help…




Kind regards,




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