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Re: [jetty-users] SSL Assertion


On Mon, Dec 6, 2021 at 11:18 PM Josh Spiegel <joshlakewg@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> Intermittently during stress testing, we are hitting this assertion (IllegalStateException):
> I modified this line of code to include additional information:
>      if (!flushed)
>        return result = false;
>      // It's possible that SSLSession.packetBufferSize has been expanded
>      int newSize = getPacketBufferSize();
>      if (packetBufferSize < newSize)
>      {
>        releaseEncryptedOutputBuffer();
>        continue;
>      }
>      throw new IllegalStateException(" Unexpected wrap result " + wrap + " " + packetBufferSize + " " + newSize + " " + _encryptedOutput.toString());
> The augmented exception message looks like this:
>  SEVERE: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unexpected wrap result BUFFER_OVERFLOW 16709 16709 java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=17408 lim=17408 cap=17408]
>         at$DecryptedEndPoint.flush(
>         at
>         at
>         at
> Has anyone seen this before?  Is the idea that this is a bug in the underlying library as packetBufferSize should have increased after the BUFFER_OVERFLOW event?

Can you please open an issue with the information in this email, and
continue the discussion there?

This is not expected, but we need a lot more information about OS, TLS
provider, etc.
Let's continue on the issue.

Simone Bordet
Finally, no matter how good the architecture and design are,
to deliver bug-free software with optimal performance and reliability,
the implementation technique must be flawless.   Victoria Livschitz

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