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Re: [jetty-users] INFO: embedded jetty -v- Maven Jetty version 11.0.+

Hello all,

I managed to move from to version 11.0.2

I move from handler that use "Apache Commons FileUpload" to HttpServlet:

I have included the code for the Servlet and the server .

Mind you that nowadays I use Java as mental recreation (I am retired....)


On Tue, Apr 20, 2021 at 4:20 PM dana whitelow via jetty-users <jetty-users@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

when I first began with Jetty, I was  trying to set it up on the Heroku website.
For that I needed to use embedded Jetty.

At the same time I was trying to get both jettys to run the same code.
The embedded Jetty and the maven plugin jetty,  mvn jetty:run

some times the annotations would stop working , sometimes  it wouldn't
pick up the index.jsp  etc.

I was given a number of suggestions.
Sadly they were incorrect but I did eventually got it working.

on the upside , once I found out the cause of the issue
I looked through all the Jakarta EE examples.
They don't know either.

Even the cargo tracker is not Jakarta EE 9 compliant.
Reza was trying use payara embedded.

On the second upside Jetty is properly embedded but Payara is not.
I think the may have  not found out about the issue.
Running war file as embedded is not embedded in my view ,
one should have access to other configurations too.

Knowing that issue I can transform all  JakartaEE examples to fully Jakarta EE 9.

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