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Re: [jetty-users] jetty-maven-plugin: minimal HTTPS example?

HI Jeroen,

I have set up a basic project which works with HTTPS and with your keystore. You can look at this to get some idea why yours isn't working.


On Thu, Aug 20, 2020 at 10:43 PM Jeroen Hoek <jeroen.hoek@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

I am trying to get the jetty-maven-plugin working with HTTPS, but am
running into an issue with the certificate not working.

I've found a Maven archetype that sets up a minimal Maven project with
the plugin without HTTPS (this works), and have tried to switch from
HTTP to HTTPS by following the Jetty documentation. I'm not sure if I've
done everything right though.

When I run `mvn jetty:run` the server starts on port 8443, but attempts
to connect fail:

* In Firefox, I get:
* With curl, I get:
    error:1408F10B:SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number

Here is my minimal example:

I used keytool (JDK 11) to generate this specific certificate, but have
tried to use an existing certificate that works with
tomcat7-maven-plugin as well. Both give the same errors.

Could someone point me in the right direction? Or is there a minimal
Maven project example with working HTTPS I can examine?

Kind regards,

Jeroen Hoek
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