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Re: [jetty-users] Encryption of the HTTP protocol (e.g. not its payload)

Hi Simone

> All right so what you need is a HttpConnection that upgrades to
> HAPConnection, and HAPConnection should be setup similarly to
> SslConnection, which delegates (after decryption) to another
> connection that happens to be again a (different) HttpConnection.
> Have a look at SslConnectionFactory as an example for how an
> encryption/decryption ConnectionFactory would work.

Just a question, why do you prefer this approach above building a customised HttpConnection that does the encryption/decryption itself? I already have a custmised HhttpConnection in place to deal with Apple modifying the HTTP Verb for Event handling. I would mean that I have to adapt OnFillable() to deal with decryption, and modify SendCallback to deal with encryption (e.g. the FLUSH case branch). And then in the application layer, whenever I derive the encryption keys, do an Endpoint.upgrade() to this customised class, and I would not have to deal with al the buffer dynamics of Endpoint itself


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