The Eclipse Jakarta EE project has not obtained the rights from Oracle to extend the Java EE APIs living in the java.* package. As such, the Java community, and more specifically the Jetty project, is faced with a choice between continuing to use the frozen java.* APIs or transitioning to a new jakarta.* namespace where these specifications could continue to be evolved and/or significantly changed.
This name change is now a “fait accompli” (aka “done deal”), so it will happen no matter what. However, how the Eclipse Jakarta EE specification process handles the transition and how vendors like Webtide respond are yet to be determined. How the Jetty project evolves with these changes is also open for consideration and we penned some early thoughts in the following blog:
Please discuss jetty specific ideas/feedback/suggestions in reply to this email on
jetty-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx. Please also consider participating in the wider Jakarta EE discussion and links are provided in the blog.
Finally, I just want to be clear that there is no imminent forced move to a new name space. Jetty 9 and 10 will continue to be supported for many years to come and your existing applications will continue to have a supported runtime.