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Re: [jetty-users] Jetty 9.4.15 and JSP issue

Number 12) apache-jsp should say "transitive provider of apache-jsp for jsp", so there is something wrong with the way the apache-jsp module is being initialized.

There is also a further problem, in that your log output from the dump command throws a NullPointerException - not sure why that is happening or if it is related, but it certainly prevents the dump from showing us your system classpath. Will look into the NPE further. 

Meanwhile, I suggest you do a "java -jar ../start.jar --dry-run" and that output should show us the jars that are on jetty's container classpath. But first, do please check how you have enbled the apache-jsp module - you shouldn't specify it anywyhere, jetty should do it for you if you just enable the jsp module.


On Tue, 23 Apr 2019 at 12:54, Rupali Desai <rtdesai@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I am upgrading the jetty in my web application from 9.3 to 9.4.15. I have added support for JSP in the app web.xml and the"jsp" module is included in startup option using "--module=jsp...". Iam using open JDK 11.02. However when I start the application I get 
"java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.eclipse.jetty.jsp.JettyJspServlet"

I can see the Apache JSP jars on the container classpath. However I still get the above error.
Any suggestions on how to fix it.

Jetty Server Classpath:
19:                      7.0 | ${jetty.home}/lib/annotations/asm-tree-7.0.jar
20:                      1.3 | ${jetty.home}/lib/annotations/javax.annotation-api-1.3.jar
21:    3.14.0.v20180528-0519 | ${jetty.home}/lib/apache-jsp/org.eclipse.jdt.ecj-3.14.0.jar
22:         9.4.15.v20190215 | ${jetty.home}/lib/apache-jsp/org.eclipse.jetty.apache-jsp-9.4.15.v20190215.jar
23:                   8.5.24 | ${jetty.home}/lib/apache-jsp/org.mortbay.jasper.apache-el-
24:                      2.3 | ${jetty.home}/lib/apache-jsp/org.mortbay.jasper.apache-jsp-
25:                    1.2.5 | ${jetty.home}/lib/apache-jstl/org.apache.taglibs.taglibs-standard-impl-1.2.5.jar
26:                    1.2.5 | ${jetty.home}/lib/apache-jstl/org.apache.taglibs.taglibs-standard-spec-1.2.5.jar

Enabled Modules:
    0) mail            transitive provider of mail for jndi
    1) ext             <command-line>
    2) resources       <command-line>
    3) threadpool      transitive provider of threadpool for server
                       init template available with --add-to-start=threadpool
    4) server          <command-line>
    5) jndi            transitive provider of jndi for plus
    6) security        transitive provider of security for webapp
                       transitive provider of security for plus
    7) transactions    transitive provider of transactions for plus
    8) servlet         <command-line>
    9) webapp          <command-line>
   10) plus            <command-line>
   11) annotations     transitive provider of annotations for websocket
                       transitive provider of annotations for jsp
   12) apache-jsp      <command-line>
   13) apache-jstl     transitive provider of apache-jstl for jstl
   14) client          transitive provider of client for websocket
   15) continuation    <command-line>
   16) jmx             <command-line>
   17) jsp             <command-line>
   18) jstl            <command-line>
   19) servlets        <command-line>
   20) websocket       <command-line>
   21) rewrite         <command-line>
   22) setuid          <command-line>

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