in a very early hackish incarnation of my attempts, i had no defaultservlet, and no welcomefiles, but h2 push sample code was rockin. this maximized lighthouse scores on the PWA sample it was hosting.
i wrote my own mimetype-determination, ETag, content-length, and simplistic File.readAllBytes code for the non-API portions of the servlet. Those features i understand, but i wanted to minimize the invention necessary by pushing it all down into jetty's vast 20+ section quickstart features, for which at least 3 or 4 refer to jetty embedded.
right now the formulation i came up with that at least found and inserted the pushcache filter compiles successfully into otherwise perfectly happy servlet layering compiles successfully but explodes with NPE. the samples and advice since posting that have not lead to better results than just commenting the pushcache filter. in the bigger analysis, h2 push is good for some benchmarks but the production outcome I'm working towards is going to be 1000x simpler than what it is replacing with or without h2 push filter or even h2 at all.
i may want to revisit h2 for serviing streaming audio but I can live with imperfect h2 or even boilerplate h1.1 jettystart right now.