We're trying to use Jetty 9.4.14 with an application that uses a lot of sessions, and we're having trouble with the DefaultSessionCache not deleting some old sessions, until we ended up with 6.7 GB consumed by 393216 Session objects in the heap after our load test. Looking at the sessions that hadn't expired after a few hours, I see that each of them has _requests set to 1, when it looks like they should all be 0.
We're using a JDBC session store, and a lot of sessions didn't seem to make it to the database table, although the ones that did were expired and removed as expected.
This is a fairly large application with a lot of proprietary code, so unfortunately I don't have a way to reproduce this that I can share at the moment. We do a fair bit of asynchronous servlet processing, though, which makes me suspicious. Where can I start to look for a solution to this?
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