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Re: [jetty-users] Problem with ClosedByInterruptException

On 11/17/16 8:38 AM, Simone Bordet wrote:
So I don't think that the same pooled thread could affect other sockets.
I think what you were experiencing were just DNS failures.
My guess is that the notification of the TimeoutException raced with
the ClosedByInterruptException, so sometimes you see one, sometimes
the other.

The thing is the ClosedByInterruptException kept recurring until the process was restarted, whereupon it stopped. That suggests something in the process got wedged. It also seemed to affect only one of a few HttpClient instances.

Could you give me a clue as to how I could find out which socket the AbstractInterruptibleChannel might be and what code processes its exceptions? From my reading of HttpClient.newConnection(...) the DNS failure would be happening before it creates the socket for the HTTP connection it is trying to open.

Thank you very much for the help.

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