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Re: [jetty-users] Jspc Maven plugin for Tomcat 7

Portable should be ok m.n. to m.n+1  , but m+1 may be problematic.   Tomcat to Jetty is not so much a problem, unless you get a m to m+1 issue at the same time.

Precompiling is a good thing, just that it is fragile.

Some have argued that when we precompile, we should bundle the entire JSP engine into the WAR to avoid such issues.   This might be a good idea, but not yet acted on.


On 21 September 2016 at 16:31, Marcel Stör <marcel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 21.09.16 01:13, Greg Wilkins wrote:
precompiled JSPs are highly dependent on the precise JSP impl used, so
they are not going to be very portable.

Do mean "portable" in the sense of porting an app from e.g. Tomcat to Jetty or more in the sense of porting from Tomcat m.n. to m.n+1 or m+1? Or do you generally feel that precompiling be a bad thing?

Marcel Stör,
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