We've been putting a lot of goodness into the master branch
of Jetty:
- New sessions implementation
- HTTP/2 improvements (flow control, interleaving)
- Error page handling (better spec compliance for async
But to date we have not had firm/explicit release plans,
nor had we decided where we would land features such as:
- Servlet 4.0
- next websocket spec
- Configuration changes
So we now have come up with a release plan, that unless we
receive howls of complaint will be enacted:
- The master branch will be forked to a jetty-9.4.x branch
with it's current feature set.
- A 9.4.0.M0 release will be made in the next week, RC
releases next month with the plan for a GA release end of
the quarter!
- master branch will be updated to build 10.0.0-SNAPSHOT
- Servlet 4.0, websocket and config changes will happen in
- We would expect 10.0.0-M0 releases toward the end of the
calendar year
We plan to create the 9.4.x branch by the end of the week,
but will first re-review the outstanding pull requests to
merge anything that should be merged against master first.