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Re: [jetty-users] Jetty Migration fron 6.1.19 to Jetty-all-9.1

If you can, use normal Jetty dependencies, *NOT* jetty-all.
Next, use something a bit more current. 
Either Jetty 9.2.13.v20150730 (for Java 7) or Jetty 9.3.2.v20150730 (for Java 8 and HTTP/2 support)

Also note, that there is no drop-in replacement for Jetty 6 to Jetty 9.
The project moved from (which doesn't exist anymore) to
In the process the namespace changed from org.mortbay.jetty to org.eclipse.jetty
So if you depend on Jetty classes somewhere in your code, you'll have to do some code updates.

If this is a jetty-distribution update, then you'll be better off using the new ${jetty.base} concepts, as that is far far easier to manage and maintain then the old techniques of updating jars, configurations, xmls, etc ...

Joakim Erdfelt / joakim@xxxxxxxxxxx

On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 9:41 AM, Arun Kumar <arunkumarstay@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Friends,

I'm migrating the application from Jetty  6.1.19 to Jetty-all-9.1. I'm able to surpass all the compile errors in Jetty-9 and able to build and deploy. During this migration I have removed all the Jetty6 jars from lib and placed Jetty-all. 9 jar.  Is this correct that only Jetty6 jars replaced with Jetty9 OR Do I need to any other files ?

My application is using Spring 3. jars also.


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