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Re: [jetty-users] Jetty maven plugin: slow start

Hi Thomas,

You can provide patterns for which jars in WEB-INF/lib and which classes in WEB-INF/classes should be scanned.  Here's the link:


On 31 July 2015 at 02:49, Thomas Meyer <thomas@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

We facing slow starts of jetty using the jetty maven plugin.

I ananlysed this a bit and the culprit seems to be the @HandlesTypes processing because of ServletContainerInitializers.

As far as I understand the class AnnotationConfiguration it's only possible to skip processing of given ServletContainerInitializer list.

Sadly above option seems to have nearly no impact on processing time as still all classes in all jars in the war must be scanned... Or mustn't it?

So an option would be awesome to tell the AnnotationConfiguration to skip processing of certain packages, e.g. all classes in the eclipselink package...

Does above option already exist and did I just miss it? Would above option make sense?

Feedback is warmly welcomed.

With kind regards
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