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[jetty-users] The Development LifeCycle


I am trying deploy a lifecycle on jetty 9 (jetty-9.2.10.v20150310) and want to use my extended AppLifeCycle class - app.jls.AppLifeCycle. My class belongs to AppLib.jar (in directory $(jetty.base)/lib).

In $(jetty.base)/etc/jetty-deploy.xml i have copied file from $(jetty.home)/etc/jetty-deploy.xml. Then i added records:

<!-- Add a customize step to the deployment lifecycle -->
<!-- uncomment and replace DebugBinding with your extended AppLifeCycle.Binding class -->
<Call name="insertLifeCycleNode">
<Call name="addLifeCycleBinding">
<New class="app.jls.AppLifeCycle">

By starting jetty throws an exception, that caused by java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: app.jls.AppLifeCycle and then jetty stop.

I am new in Jetty. Help me start my Lifecycle.
Many thanks in advance.

P.S. My application contains two parts: app.jls.AppLifeCycle (in directory $(jetty.base)/lib/AppLib.jar) and WebServerApp.war that is in directory $(jetty.base)/webapps.
The second part (WebServerApp.war) deploys fine.

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