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[jetty-users] Performance issue with embedded Jetty


I am using embedded Jetty container in one of my program and deployying a WAR that exposes a REST API. 

Jetty Version: jetty-9.2.10.v20150310

When I execute an API in a standalone Jetty then the average response time is 2secs. When I try the same API from the embedded Jetty then the average response time is around 4secs.

What does the API do?
  1. Transforms the request payload to a different format.
  2. Make a SOAP API call to an external API
  3. Parse the response from external API 
  4. Transform the response to a different format and return it
Observation: The time taken to make the external SOAP call is more in embedded Jetty compared to the standalone Jetty even though the testing is done in the same machine with similar settings.

Could you please let me know if I need to enable any settings in Embedded Jetty to get the same performance numbers as a standalone Jetty.


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