I agree with Stefan and Michael.
a /tmp directory cleanup issue. (quite a common problem seen when using
long running, platform neutral, services on linux)
Michael said, set the java.io.tmpdir system property that Java uses to a
directory somewhere other than /tmp. (the system admins should have a
few preferences for you, depending on your linux distribution. (some
commonly seen example: /var/cache/jetty or /var/www/jetty or
This will influence the
behavior of Jetty itself, and velocity.
Jetty will then use
the new temp directory for its own unpacked webapp structure (a process
that which is required in most deployment use cases).
And when
velocity itself needs a temp directory for its own reasons (which it
does) those files will also remain untouched.
Also if you have
any other 3rd party libraries that use the Java temp file routines
those will also reside in an location untouched by other processes.
- Upgrade Jetty - 9.1.x is part of the
transitional period for Jetty 9 from Servlet 3.0 to Servlet 3.1. Its a
bit of a hybrid release.
- Once you have upgraded, use the
${jetty.base} and ${jetty.home} separation.
- After creation
of your ${jetty.base}, make sure you have a ${jetty.base}/work/
directory created as well.