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Re: [jetty-users] jetty http/2 push broken? or Chrome?

Hi Shawn,

Looks like it's going downhill...

Just rebuilt the docker images and retested based on the latest commit 7d7fba4.

Really odd behavior on chrome, I'm getting SPDY protocol errors in the network trace of the developer toolbar when I'm passing a value smaller than 10 as rows, from 10 up the push works.

I've committed a log 
I'm getting illegal state exceptions on the server side in this case and no push promises in chrome.

Looks like there is something really wrong, I'll try and give the 'deprecated' way another go.

On 20 January 2015 at 07:19, Shawn Bissell <shawn.bissell@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Actually scratch that theory … the Cache-Control: no-cache was being caused by the Firefox dev tools since I had the “Disable Cache (when toolbox is open)” option selected for my testing. Once I turned that off the no-cache on the PUSH_PROMISE went away, but they were still RST_STREAM. So basically it looks like the Jetty PushBuilder doesn’t work with Firefox at all :( where as at least in Chrome we can see the PUSH streams are “adopted”. This is on Firefox Nightly 38.0a1 (2015-01-19) using h2-15 where as Chrome Canary 42 was using h2-14.

Also I should note that in the Jetty Debug log there were no IllegalStateExceptions just a bunch of which seem to correspond to the RST_STREAMs

On 2015-Jan-19, at 9:59 PM, Shawn Bissell <shawn.bissell@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Tom, so I tired using Firefox just for comparison. I finally got a Wireshark trace decoded properly ... Wow that was complicated! I needed to tell Wireshark about the the private RSA key AND use the NSS SSLKEYLOGFILE as the Master-Secrect log file. As you can see from the trace in the screenshot below (I hope that comes through the mailing list) every PUSH_PROMISE is immediately reset by Firefox with a RST_STREAM. I’m thinking either FF doesn’t support PUSH yet (which doesn’t make sense since they could just turn it off in the SETTINGS frame) OR maybe the PUSH is malformed somehow … maybe the Cache-Control: no-cache is the problem? Chrome seemed to be fine with it though<Screen Shot 2015-01-19 at 9.48.47 PM.png>

On 2015-Jan-18, at 10:33 PM, Tom Eyckmans <teyckmans@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:


The bugs kept me up, so I was pondering why I didn't notice them myself. 

While writing the blog the RequestDispatcher.push method got deprecated and I switched to using the PushBuilder. As it turns out this caused of both issues. 

When using RequestDispatcher.push you need to added the context root yourself and because you're creating the complete request path I didn't add the query parameters and everything worked just fine :)

Apparently the PushBuilder takes care of adding the context root which is nice but I certainly didn't expect this. 

I don't really understand why the PushBuilder passes on the query parameters by default. I expect most resources that will be pushed to be static in nature and the query parameters are not needed for these resources. Nice that it is possible but would have expected this to be an opt-in type of feature rather than a default.

Great that you get the same results, always good to have a repeatable case.
I'll try to confirm your findings with the latest snapshot.

On 19 January 2015 at 07:06, Shawn Bissell <shawn.bissell@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Tom, I pulled your changes and I reverted back to the Dec 22 snapshot (git e8c88cfd9cf3cab89788cd530838314089ce9b23) for Jetty you are using in your Docker image, and I got the same results as you. Those timeout errors went away, and yes pushing the full page (402 requests) causes java.lang.IllegalStateExceptions you saw. So I believe the latest snapshot probably fixed that error, but introduced an incompatibility with Chrome Canary 42.

On 2015-Jan-18, at 1:32 PM, Tom Eyckmans <teyckmans@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Shaw,

Thanks for taking the time to look at this and the great feedback, to bad for me it is not really working the way I thought is was, but thats the only way you really learn right :)

I didn't know about the chrome://net-internals/#events thanks for pointing me to it. Looks like a great resource. 

I changed the push code (also added a default(true) to the push parameter) and now I also see the SPDY_STREAM_ADOPTED_PUSH_STREAM events. Thanks for pointing me to the problems.

Here are some additional test findings (mentioned log files can be found here

I didn't see the following thread deaths in the Jetty output previously:  

2015-01-18 19:50:50.505:WARN:oejut.QueuedThreadPool:qtp396180261-188: Unexpected thread death: org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool$3@b6df857 in qtp396180261{STARTED,10<=200<=200,i=129,q=0}
2015-01-18 19:51:50.363:WARN:oejut.QueuedThreadPool:qtp396180261-219: Unexpected thread death: org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool$3@b6df857 in qtp396180261{STARTED,10<=199<=200,i=195,q=0}

I also had a case when the page kept on loading and there was no active SPDY session listed on the net-internals page in Chrome. See chrome_spdy_session_hangs.log in github project, spdy session just stopped fetching, without timeout I kept waiting for a while but it didn't time out. This was in combination with the thread deaths on the server side. Would have expected Chrome to timeout at some point. 

After some more testing without rows and column restrictions (pushing 400 resources) I got the following IllegalStateExceptions in HttpTransportOverHTTP2.send(, in this case server is taking up 100% cpu as it is logging like crazy. 
Looks like the HTTP2 transport code got stuck:

2015-01-18 20:08:07.833:WARN:oejs.HttpChannel:qtp396180261-107: Commit failed
java.lang.IllegalStateException: committed
        at org.eclipse.jetty.http2.server.HttpTransportOverHTTP2.send(
        at org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpChannel.sendResponse(
        at org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpChannel$CommitCallback.failed(
        at org.eclipse.jetty.http2.server.HttpTransportOverHTTP2.send( 

The last 3 lines of the stack are repeated 131 times!

I've pushed out a new version of the teyckmans/blog-http2-push docker image and installed it here: 

Sometimes the page loads fast (1.15 - 1.20 seconds) but sometimes the page takes (+/-4.5 seconds) when using 
Haven't found the cause of this yet.

I haven't tested with a fresh snapshot build from the latest sources, I'll try and get to that somewhere this week.

On 18 January 2015 at 19:24, Shawn Bissell <shawn.bissell@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I posted this on Tom Eyckmans’ blog (, but I figure this is a better place for the discussion since there seems to be a problem with the push mechanism itself…

First of all Tom, great work on making this example. I tried creating a similar jetty push example and failed miserably :) I hate to break it to you, but the http2-push site is pushing a different url from the requested one so the pushes are wasted. Hitting the url
(I had to look at the source to determine the ?push=true was required for push)

If you look in the Chrome (Canary build 42) chrome://net-internals/#events screen and find your SPDY_SESSION you can see that the push promise has a url of


where as the url requested in the page is just


So there are 2 problems there … the pushed url path has an extra blog-http2-push in it and the pushed url has the querystring in it.

I tried fixing the servlet code but not calling the absoluteResourcePath method and by setting the query tring to null.
And then I could see the SPDY_STREAM_ADOPTED_PUSH_STREAM events happening in Chrome, but there was some sort of timeout and the client closes the streams and the pushed resources were not loaded at all. 

Here is what I see in the debug log

2015-01-18 10:11:58.898:DBUG:oejhs.HttpChannelOverHTTP2:         qtp565760380-27: HTTP2 PUSH Request #240/798f5a73:
GET https://localhost:8443/blog-http2-push/images/slice_5_19.jpg HTTP/2
accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8
accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch
accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.8
cache-control: public, max-age=777
pragma: no-cache
user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/42.0.2278.0 Safari/537.36
referer: https://localhost:8443/blog-http2-push/push
2015-01-18 10:11:58.899:DBUG:oejhs.HttpChannelOverHTTP2:         qtp565760380-27: HTTP2 Commit Response #1/798f5a73:
HTTP/2 200 null
Server: Jetty(9.3.0-SNAPSHOT)
Content-Type: text/html;charset=iso-8859-1
2015-01-18 10:11:58.899:DBUG:oejhs.HttpTransportOverHTTP2:       qtp565760380-27: HTTP2 Response #1:
HTTP/2 200
Server: Jetty(9.3.0-SNAPSHOT)
Content-Type: text/html;charset=iso-8859-1
2015-01-18 10:11:58.900:DBUG:oejhs.HttpTransportOverHTTP2:       qtp565760380-27: HTTP2 Response #1 committed
15 seconds later
2015-01-18 10:12:13.801:DBUG:oeji.IdleTimeout:              Scheduler-1530388690: HTTP2Stream@48dd8f83{id=2,sendWindow=10485760,recvWindow=65535,reset=false,REMOTELY_CLOSED} idle timeout check, elapsed: 15004 ms, remaining: -4 ms
2015-01-18 10:12:13.801:DBUG:oeji.IdleTimeout:              Scheduler-1530388690: HTTP2Stream@48dd8f83{id=2,sendWindow=10485760,recvWindow=65535,reset=false,REMOTELY_CLOSED} idle timeout expired
2015-01-18 10:12:13.801:DBUG:oejh.HTTP2Stream:              Scheduler-1530388690: Idle timeout 15000ms expired on HTTP2Stream@48dd8f83{id=2,sendWindow=10485760,recvWindow=65535,reset=false,REMOTELY_CLOSED}

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