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Re: [jetty-users] Unable to render Velocity Template

Sounds like the linux tmp folder is cleaned up every now and then. You can make jetty use a different tmp folder in order to prevent issue. See docs.


2015-01-28 12:26 GMT+01:00 Eduardo Fiss Beloni <ebeloni@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:

We are having loads of "Unable to render Velocity Template" throughout the jetty logs. Then the user can't see the site anymore.

2015-01-26 10:20:38,751 [qtp399631128-23 ERROR CommonsLogger]: Unable to render Velocity Template, '/error.vm'
org.apache.velocity.exception.VelocityException: Exception rendering #parse(/_inc/footer.vm) at /error.vm[line 67, column 9]
2015-01-25 23:07:34,732 [qtp1819130381-4849 ERROR CommonsLogger]: Unable to render Velocity Template, '/super/aba_vitrine.vm'
org.apache.velocity.exception.VelocityException: VelocimacroProxy.render() : exception VM = #produto()

It happens a few times a month. When this happens the only way to bring our frontend servers back is to restart jettys.

This started to happen when we updated from jetty 7 to jetty 9.1.3. Could this be a jetty parameter or something?

Thank you,

Eduardo Fiss Beloni
Soluções em Java
(51) 4063-8913 - Porto Alegre
(53) 4062-9183/3222-1833 - Pelotas
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