Version Information on 16 entries in the classpath.
Note: order presented here is how they would appear on the classpath.
changes to the --module=name command line options will be reflected here.
0: 2.3.1 | ${jetty.home}/lib/apache-jsp/javax.servlet.jsp.javax.servlet.jsp-api-2.3.1.jar
1: 9.2.1.v20140609 | ${jetty.home}/lib/apache-jsp/org.eclipse.jetty.apache-jsp-9.2.1.v20140609.jar
2: 3.8.2.v20130121-145325 | ${jetty.home}/lib/apache-jsp/
3: 8.0.3.v20140313 | ${jetty.home}/lib/apache-jsp/org.mortbay.jasper.apache-el-8.0.3.v20140313.jar
4: 2.3 | ${jetty.home}/lib/apache-jsp/org.mortbay.jasper.apache-jsp-8.0.3.v20140313.jar
8: 9.2.1.v20140609 | ${jetty.home}/lib/jetty-server-9.2.1.v20140609.jar
12: 9.2.1.v20140609 | ${jetty.home}/lib/jetty-security-9.2.1.v20140609.jar
13: 9.2.1.v20140609 | ${jetty.home}/lib/jetty-servlet-9.2.1.v20140609.jar
14: 9.2.1.v20140609 | ${jetty.home}/lib/jetty-webapp-9.2.1.v20140609.jar
15: 9.2.1.v20140609 | ${jetty.home}/lib/jetty-deploy-9.2.1.v20140609.jar
Jetty All Available Modules:
- Module: annotations
Depend: plus
LIB: lib/jetty-annotations-${jetty.version}.jar
LIB: lib/annotations/*.jar
XML: etc/jetty-annotations.xml
Enabled: <not enabled in this configuration>
- Module: client
LIB: lib/jetty-client-${jetty.version}.jar
Enabled: <not enabled in this configuration>
- Module: continuation
LIB: lib/jetty-continuation-${jetty.version}.jar
Enabled: <not enabled in this configuration>
- Module: debug
Depend: server
XML: etc/jetty-debug.xml
Enabled: <not enabled in this configuration>
* Module: deploy
Depend: webapp
LIB: lib/jetty-deploy-${jetty.version}.jar
XML: etc/jetty-deploy.xml
Enabled: <via> /var/jolie/webreserv/jetty-instances-enabled/jft/start.ini
- Module: ext
LIB: lib/ext/**.jar
Enabled: <not enabled in this configuration>
- Module: fcgi
Depend: client
Depend: servlet
LIB: lib/jetty-proxy-${jetty.version}.jar
LIB: lib/fcgi/*.jar
Enabled: <not enabled in this configuration>
* Module: http
Depend: server
XML: etc/jetty-http.xml
Enabled: <via> /var/jolie/webreserv/jetty-instances-enabled/jft/start.ini
- Module: https
Depend: ssl
XML: etc/jetty-https.xml
Enabled: <not enabled in this configuration>
- Module: ipaccess
Depend: server
XML: etc/jetty-ipaccess.xml
Enabled: <not enabled in this configuration>
- Module: jaas
Depend: server
LIB: lib/jetty-jaas-${jetty.version}.jar
XML: etc/jetty-jaas.xml
Enabled: <not enabled in this configuration>
- Module: jaspi
Depend: security
LIB: lib/jetty-jaspi-${jetty.version}.jar
LIB: lib/jaspi/*.jar
Enabled: <not enabled in this configuration>
- Module: jmx
Depend: server
LIB: lib/jetty-jmx-${jetty.version}.jar
XML: etc/jetty-jmx.xml
Enabled: <not enabled in this configuration>
- Module: jmx-remote
Depend: jmx
XML: etc/jetty-jmx-remote.xml
Enabled: <not enabled in this configuration>
- Module: jndi
Depend: server
LIB: lib/jetty-jndi-${jetty.version}.jar
LIB: lib/jndi/*.jar
Enabled: <not enabled in this configuration>
* Module: jsp
Depend: jsp-impl
Depend: servlet
Enabled: <via> /var/jolie/webreserv/jetty-instances-enabled/jft/start.ini
+ Module: jsp-impl
Ref: jsp-impl/apache-jsp
LIB: lib/apache-jsp/*.jar
Enabled: <via transitive reference>
- Module: jstl-impl
Ref: jsp-impl/apache-jstl
LIB: lib/apache-jstl/*.jar
Enabled: <not enabled in this configuration>
- Module: jstl
Depend: jsp
Depend: jstl-impl
Enabled: <not enabled in this configuration>
- Module: jvm
Enabled: <not enabled in this configuration>
- Module: logging
LIB: lib/logging/**.jar
LIB: resources/
XML: etc/jetty-logging.xml
Enabled: <not enabled in this configuration>
- Module: lowresources
Depend: server
XML: etc/jetty-lowresources.xml
Enabled: <not enabled in this configuration>
- Module: monitor
Depend: client
Depend: server
LIB: lib/monitor/jetty-monitor-${jetty.version}.jar
XML: etc/jetty-monitor.xml
Enabled: <not enabled in this configuration>
- Module: plus
Depend: webapp
Depend: server
Depend: security
Depend: jndi
LIB: lib/jetty-plus-${jetty.version}.jar
XML: etc/jetty-plus.xml
Enabled: <not enabled in this configuration>
- Module: protonego
Depend: protonego-impl/${protonego}
Enabled: <not enabled in this configuration>
- Module: proxy
Depend: client
Depend: servlet
LIB: lib/jetty-proxy-${jetty.version}.jar
XML: etc/jetty-proxy.xml
Enabled: <not enabled in this configuration>
- Module: quickstart
Depend: plus
Depend: server
Depend: annotations
LIB: lib/jetty-quickstart-${jetty.version}.jar
Enabled: <not enabled in this configuration>
- Module: requestlog
Depend: server
XML: etc/jetty-requestlog.xml
Enabled: <not enabled in this configuration>
- Module: resources
LIB: resources/
Enabled: <not enabled in this configuration>
- Module: rewrite
Depend: server
LIB: lib/jetty-rewrite-${jetty.version}.jar
XML: etc/jetty-rewrite.xml
Enabled: <not enabled in this configuration>
+ Module: security
Depend: server
LIB: lib/jetty-security-${jetty.version}.jar
Enabled: <via transitive reference>
* Module: server
LIB: lib/servlet-api-3.1.jar
LIB: lib/jetty-schemas-3.1.jar
LIB: lib/jetty-http-${jetty.version}.jar
LIB: lib/jetty-server-${jetty.version}.jar
LIB: lib/jetty-xml-${jetty.version}.jar
LIB: lib/jetty-util-${jetty.version}.jar
LIB: lib/jetty-io-${jetty.version}.jar
XML: etc/jetty.xml
Enabled: <via> /var/jolie/webreserv/jetty-instances-enabled/jft/start.ini
+ Module: servlet
Depend: server
LIB: lib/jetty-servlet-${jetty.version}.jar
Enabled: <via transitive reference>
- Module: servlets
Depend: servlet
LIB: lib/jetty-servlets-${jetty.version}.jar
Enabled: <not enabled in this configuration>
- Module: setuid
Depend: server
LIB: lib/setuid/jetty-setuid-java-1.0.1.jar
XML: etc/jetty-setuid.xml
Enabled: <not enabled in this configuration>
- Module: spdy
Depend: protonego
Depend: ssl
LIB: lib/spdy/*.jar
XML: etc/jetty-ssl.xml
XML: etc/jetty-spdy.xml
Enabled: <not enabled in this configuration>
- Module: ssl
Depend: server
XML: etc/jetty-ssl.xml
Enabled: <not enabled in this configuration>
- Module: stats
Depend: server
XML: etc/jetty-stats.xml
Enabled: <not enabled in this configuration>
+ Module: webapp
Depend: security
Depend: servlet
LIB: lib/jetty-webapp-${jetty.version}.jar
Enabled: <via transitive reference>
- Module: websocket
Depend: annotations
LIB: lib/websocket/*.jar
Enabled: <not enabled in this configuration>
- Module: xinetd
Depend: server
XML: etc/jetty-xinetd.xml
Enabled: <not enabled in this configuration>
Jetty Active Module Tree:
+ Module: jsp-impl [transitive]
+ Module: server [enabled]
+ Module: http [enabled]
+ Module: security [transitive]
+ Module: servlet [transitive]
+ Module: jsp [enabled]
+ Module: webapp [transitive]
+ Module: deploy [enabled]