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[jetty-users] Custom JAR visible to web applications


I'm new to Jetty and I have a question regarding class paths. I wish to
have a custom library (JAR) shared by multiple applications running in
the container. I added the JAR file to '<JETTY_HOME>/lib/ext' and
verified that it is actually being added to the CLASSPATH by running
'java -jar start.jar --list-classpath'. However, 'NoClassDefFound'
errors occur when the web application is run.

How can I make my custom JAR visible to the web application? Ideally, I
wish I could do that without modifying the WAR deployment so that newly
added applications would also have the custom JAR on their CLASSPATH
without extra configuration.

Thank you in advance and sorry if the question is too trivial. I admit I
haven't been able to find a proper solution (given my requirements).


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