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Re: [jetty-users] Regd jetty-maven-plugin

Hi Naveen,

No idea about two instances, but I've got a similar setup where I've got a login war that is reused in other projects. So when testing/developing the other war it requires an instance to run.

So I've added a "contextHandler" which points to the other war file. Not sure if this will work for you or not.

<contextHandler implementation="org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext">


On 23 April 2014 23:09, Naveen Babu Ede <naveenbabue@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I am new to using jetty-maven-plugin and I have a question about it. I
am not sure if this is the right forum.

If there are two child maven modules(moduleA & moduleB), each having
their own jetty-maven-plugin configurations. Both modules expose their
own services.  There are integration tests in ModuleB that are
dependent on moduleA services. So, I need to have both moduleA jetty
server up and running through the integration-test phase of moduleB.
Does jetty-maven-plugin support running two jetty instances within the
same pom?

Appreciate your help.

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