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Re: [jetty-users] How to set order of cipher suites for Jetty SSL?

> I saw a post about how to set order of cipher suites for Jetty on Stack
> Overflow
> (
> But, no one answer the question yet.   Does anyone know the answer?

For jetty 8:

<Array id="cipherSuites" type="java.lang.String">
<Call name="addConnector">

<!-- HTTPS connector -->
<New class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.ssl.SslSelectChannelConnector">
<New id="sslContextFactory"
<Set name="KeyStore">
<Property name="jetty.keystore.path"/>
<Set name="KeyStoreType">
<Property name="jetty.keystore.type"/>
<Set name="KeyStorePassword">
<Property name="jetty.keystore.pass"/>
<Set name="TrustStore">
<Property name="jetty.truststore.path"/>
<Set name="TrustStoreType">
<Property name="jetty.truststore.type"/>
<Set name="TrustStorePassword">
<Property name="jetty.truststore.pass"/>
<Set name="IncludeCipherSuites">
<Ref id="cipherSuites"/>
<Set name="Host">
<Property name=""/>
<Set name="Port">
<Property name="jetty.port.ssl"/>
<Set name="MaxIdleTime">30000</Set>
<Set name="Acceptors">2</Set>
<Set name="AcceptQueueSize">100</Set>

We use a reference because we have more than one https connector, but
if you only have one you could just list them under


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