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Re: [jetty-users] Problem upgrading Jetty

Hi Peter,
the command I pasted previously is the same as the upstart script

/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-oracle/bin/java -server -Xms256m -Xmx1024m -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -Djetty.home=/var/jolie/webreserv/jetty_9.1.1/ -Djetty.base=/var/jolie/webreserv/jetty-instances-enabled/gc -jar /var/jolie/webreserv/jetty_9.1.1/start.jar --daemon

At this moment what I understand is

1) If lib, lib/ext, resources and webapps doesn't exists in jetty.base Jetty print
WARNING: Required directory '${jetty.base}/lib' does not exist. Run with --create-files to create
WARNING: Required directory '${jetty.base}/lib/ext' does not exist. Run with --create-files to create
WARNING: Required directory '${jetty.base}/resources' does not exist. Run with --create-files to create
WARNING: Required directory '${jetty.base}/webapps' does not exist. Run with --create-files to create

and then exits

2) If I add --create-files to the command line missing directory are created (empty) and jetty exit with no output

3) If after 2) I started jetty with same arguments (except --create-files) everything is working

So I can solve my problem adding empty directory in jetty.base

What I'm wondering is

1) in 9.1.0 the behaviour was different, so something was changed (I can't see any relevant in changelog)
2) the output says WARNING, but in fact this is a blocking error (jetty exit)

Maybe this beahviour is due to some of my conf, but I can't see which one

Thanks to everyone for the replies

2014-02-01 Peter Ondruška <peter.ondruska+jetty@xxxxxxxx>:
Start Jetty from shell with same arguments as with upstart, what output does that?

On Saturday, 1 February 2014, Simone Bordet <sbordet@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 3:12 PM, Andrea Cappelli <a.cappelli@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Looking closer the info provided by --list-config always seems correct, so I
> tried to createad the requested directory: the result is that now warnings
> are no more displayed, but jetty doesn't start

What does it mean "doesn't start" ?
You have an error ?
It does not deploy your webapp ?
What exactly ?

Simone Bordet
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