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[jetty-users] Cannot inject ContainerRequestContext to interceptor, reader, writer , exception mapper.


We use Jetty 2.5.1 in our service.
Our application create some information(ex request id, flag, etc) at a pre-matching filter.
This information is read  by a filter, resource, interceptor, exception mapper and entity reader/writer. 

So, I set this info to ContainerRequestContext that I think it is suitable for.

First, I wrote @Context annotation at field variable of a interceptor.
But error writing below happened.

  |1. java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not inside a request scope.

So, I use @Context to inject ResourceContext and get ContainerRequestContext from it.
In version 2.3,1, this implement is work well, but in 2.5.1 is not.
Too frequently Full GC is happened(is it bug??).

Our understanding is the request scope is begin at first filter and end with last filter.
WriterInterceptor,RederInterceptor,MessageBodyReader, ExceptionMapper and MessageBodyWriter is in a request scope.

I think below code should be work well, without throwing exception by jersey.
(But now, occur exception. Other class in mail title is as well.)

 public class Interceptor implements WriterInterceptor {

    ContainerRequestContext requestContext;

    public void aroundWriteTo(WriterInterceptorContext context) throws IOException, WebApplicationException {

If this code is bad.. that is,  not match JAX-RS spec or jersey design policy, 
I hope that someone would give me other idea. 



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