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Re: [jetty-users] Too many threads


On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 7:19 AM, Mikhail Mazursky <ash2kk@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello!
> Under load testing of our application I'm seeing that Jetty spawned exactly
> 800 threads instead of only 200 as per my configuration. How can this
> happen? What am I missing?

Perhaps you're using more than 1 thread pool, configured in other XML files.

> p.s. I just noticed that idleTimeout is not set for thread pool - can this
> cause issues like this?


> I will set it to 60000 but versions of jetty.xml in
> git should probably be corrected too. And maybe a sane default should be
> placed in source code?

It is already there.

Simone Bordet
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