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Re: [jetty-users] Question about Jetty HTTP client 6.1.26

Well, jetty6 is passed from maintenance at this point, that was 3 major releases ago and there have been over 150 releases of jetty since then and the jetty-client went through a massive refactor going into Jetty I don't know that you will get much of a response on this, sorry..

I would highly recommend looking into updating to a more recent release of jetty if at all possible, if that flat out can't work for you then perhaps you can get support from (note: I work there, all the active jetty committers do and I know we support some folks on jetty 6 still) on this though just looking at the issue I suspect it would require some sort of code change within jetty 6 so you would likely at least need the ability to update the jar files themselves.


jesse mcconnell

On Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 3:40 PM, Manpreet Singh <manpreet@xxxxxxx> wrote:

We are using jetty-6.1.26 HTTP client to post messages to an IIS server (SSL) on very low bandwidth and high latency connections (VSAT). 


The code fragment used is as below:








        contentExchange = new ContentExchange(true);



int result = contentExchange.waitForDone();

                        if(result ==  HttpExchange.STATUS_COMPLETED)



We have seen that in production in certain instances the http client while sending data would appear hung and if restarted it would send that data. There is no timeout/expiry or any other errors. 


We cannot move to any newer versions of Jetty.


How can we stop/interrupt the HTTP client send/exchange from an external thread forcefully? We would like to control every send of http client by  a timer. If that timer pops and the data is still being sent (suggesting a hung situation) we would like to call an abort or stop.


Thanks a lot in advance!! 



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