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Re: [jetty-users] Simplest way to detect: Hey, where'd my thread go?

> But, as I realized, _other threads_ in system kept living happily during
> OOM, it was only the failing thread that was heavily disrupted. I assume
> this is due to "type" or "case" of the OOM I have. Again, this was not a
> leak, this was one processing step allocating way too much
> and immediately releasing the same stuff. I assume this would not help for
> real leaks, as whole JVM would be disrupted (just to emphasize: my app was
> around 150MB of heap while "working/under load", one HTTP call causes to
> have heap jump to 850-900MB, but the very next GC also takes it back to
> 150-200MB). So, I went will 3rd approach that proved working for me:

this just sounds like you got 'lucky' more then anything :)

> * a separated "watchdog" daemon thread, that watches for QTP thread deaths,
> and start you nagging, and does it endlessly once death detected.

This is interesting, I'll remind greg about this next week and see
what he thinks, QTP is his baby but this sort of thing could be an
optional addition to the normally running qtp I think.  Generally OOME
are just bad juju, but that you had no other notification of it
indicates there might be something more we ought to do here..


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