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[jetty-users] deploying using embedded jetty versus standalone

What are the advantages/disadvantages from running a spring application using embedded jetty?

During development I am using the jetty mavin plugin that lets me fire up the application and hot redeploys etc.

But now if I want to publish my code to my server, I want to know the ramifications of going the embedded route.

My thoughts (from what I understand):

1.  If my application is embedded, I would have to push my new code, manually stop the old process, and then start the new process.  Is this correct?
If I have jetty running on its own 'standalone', I can keep jetty running and just re-publish the .war file

2.  Jetty already has scripts to start/stop the service, but I guess I can just reformat those to start/stop my embedded jetty instance.  I could do this:

/myapp/datestamp/war here
/myapp/datestamp/war here

And then have a symbolic link to:


And when I push a new release, I coudl update the symbolic link /myapp/current to the latest datestamp folder.

Any other thoughts/considerations for embedded jetty?

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