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[jetty-users] SLF4J for server & webapp logging


I'd like to use SLF4J for both server logging and individual webapp logging.  I'd like to use a different SLF4J binding for the server and the webapp.

I can do this by adding slf4j-api and a binding to the server's classpath and slf4j-api and a different binding to the WEB-INF/lib directory.  However, I then get SLF4J warning me about multiple bindings on the classpath.  Looking at WebAppClassLoader it knows how to exclude known server classes from the classpath of a webapp, and classes under org.slf4j used to be included amongst those, but were removed in a commit to WebAppContext on 06/08/09.

Is there a preferred way to mark the slf4j classes as server classes again when starting jetty via start.jar?  It looks as if I can add an attribute called org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.serverClasses to a Server, but I can't find an example of the best practice for doing this (and it looks like it will over-write all the existing rules, so they would have to be duplicated when setting it).


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